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Career Coaching

Helen Green’s passion is to encourage, challenge and guide individuals at transition points in their lives when they either want or need to explore a new direction in their career.

Supporting individuals in developing their careers through Career Coaching

Managing a career can be difficult and many of us need help to:


  • gain a focus for the next career move

  • plan for promotion

  • understand recruitment and promotion processes

  • develop a CV

  • apply for jobs

  • improve presentation skills

  • succeed at interview

  • settle into a new role

We offer this support through:


  • one-to-one coaching

  • understanding personality type and its effect on personal and professional development (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)

  • workshops 

Interested? Want to know more or book a session?

"Even people with impressive work histories may struggle to value or even recognise what they have to offer.


Redundancy or major changes at work can leave individuals feeling insecure and lacking in confidence. 


I see my role is to support the individual during this difficult period, suggesting ways of making progress and developing more confidence."

Helen has over 25 years' experience in Human Resource Management in a variety of roles, within both the public and private sector. Her career has given her many opportunities to work with individuals to support their personal and professional development.

As an HR manager and recruiter she often met candidates who had much to offer, but sadly let themselves down during a recruitment process. As a result many missed out on opportunities where they could have excelled.

Helen is qualified to Level A and B in psychometric testing with a particular interest in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). She has found the MBTI a useful tool in helping people understand their personality preferences, their ways of communicating and their decision-making processes. It also enables teams to make constructive use of their differences.

She is an Associate of the Oasis School of Human Relations and John Lees Careers.

© 2020 Challenging Ideas

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